All comments posted come under the Disqus terms of use.
Please note: There is a 'naughty word' filter applied to the comment threads. Please don't swear. And please don't swear in another language, we will find out sooner or later.
To keep the comment threads under control we will be using a traditional Hockey method of discipline, the Green, Yellow and Red cards. Use words you shouldn't and you will be given a green card and your post edited. Yellow cards will be shown for straight out offensive stuff and your post deleted, with a note explaining why. A Red card is for repeat deliberate breaches and means your opinion is no longer appreciated. By the time it gets to this stage you will know it's coming. Good Bye!
Don’t abuse people. By all means disagree, but do it in a civilised way. Hockey is, after all, just a game.
Don’t post anything that is not related to the subject at hand. This includes links to other websites, commercial content, personal contact information and nude photographs, which can be sent directly to us.
We encourage people to freely express their views, opinions and ideas in direct relation to Hockey. This becomes tricky at times. We acknowledge the many and varied cultures and traditions that exist under the banner of the Hockey Family. Religious, Racial or Cultural intolerance will not be accepted. Defining people in such terms will get you a yellow card.
Your view on sexual identity concerns nobody but the person you are trying to lure to your bedroom. We don't care. Defining people in such terms will get you a Yellow Card.
If it's not about Hockey, don't ask us, we don't know. Some one will have written a book about it.